Friday, December 10, 2010

A Egsytin Noo Puzzul! Fer Christmus!

Musashi Sez:

My mom's buddee, Rev-Nansee, sent us this verree amyoozin puzzul to solv. I solvd most of it--altho it tookt me half a hour. In the followin, I givs yu mai ansrz. Ther still 2 I not abl to solv. If yu kin solv them, let me noe. Also, if yu ar innerestid in lernin the werdz to anee of theez carolz, yu lets me noe an I givs yu them. Ok. Heer they ar:

AIAM = Alleluia, I Am Musashi
JTTW (CCIC!) = Join Thou the Wave (Ceiling Cat Is Com!)
O,CAYF = O, Come All Ye Furtiv
GRYM,G (SDETP) = Good Rabbits Rest Yon Mondae, God (so dont ekspekt their prayrz)
WTK = We Three Kittees
OLTOB = O Littul Tub of Buttrskwash
HYAMLC = Has Yerself a Merree Load of Catnip
H!THAS = Hark! The Harold Angel Sings (or hark, harold the angel sings?)
TFN = Too Friggin' Noelly
GKW = Good King Wheresmysausage
ICUAMC = It Caym Upon a Mailman, Clark
IHTBOCD = I Hayt This Brand of Cat Dinnr
JB = Jingul Ballz
OCT = O Christmas Tea
IDOAWC = I'm Dreemin of a Wet Christmous
WCIT = What Catnip Iz This?
IBTLALC (TY) = I Bet the Laykrz Are a Lost Coz (This Yeer)
ISMKSC = I Saw Men from the Knights of St. Columbus

An whil I am not convins that all 20 ar egzaklee Chrismus carolz, yu kin waegh in on that ishoo as well.

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