Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Noo Adventchur! At Sea!

Musashi Sez:

Wull, I has nuuz from the semafor pijjinz. Turns out mai mom's bot, the Gud Ship Hous, has runnd aground among the Seaz of Wintr, amid a maritym blizzerd, an she now adrift on a dessert iland, full of lotsa piez: cranberree an appul an nut an turkee an lik that.

So cleerlee it mai dootee to Up Saylz! on this Gud Ship Partmint. Wift mai loyl crue, Firtst Mayt "Layzr Poyntr" Josh an Qwartrmastr "Can Opnr" Haydee, I mus sayl souft to rescyoo mai mom. It mayk me feel lik singin! (ahem, me, me, me, me!)

Mai fathr wuz the keepr of the Eddyston Ligt
He slept wift a mermayd one fyn nigt
An frum that littr ther caym 3:
Porpus; Porkypin; the othr wuz ME!

Yo ho ho an the wind run free,
O fer a lyf on the rollin sea!
Yo ho ho an the wind run free,
O fer a lyf on the rollin sea!

Porpus got a job jumpin at Sea World.
Porkypin spends mosta his tim curled.
I'm saylin off to the Iland of Desserts
To find mai mom and to rescyoo her!

Yo ho ho an the wind run free,
O fer a lyf on the rollin sea!
Yo ho ho an the wind run free,
O fer a lyf on the rollin sea!

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