Sunday, September 20, 2009

Creayshun Myfts Old an Nu

Mom Says:

So I’ve been trying to explain to Musashi how the creation story in Genesis works, that it is not a literal description of how God created the world, but a reasonable approximation, reasoned out and written by humans, of what made sense to them at the time, when they didn’t know any science as we understand it today. If he doesn’t feel comfortable with the story they came up with (or how it has been used), then he needs to consider who the poor old writers were, who were trying so desperately to figure out explanations for the stuff that happens (which also explains why sometimes the Bible offers two different stories explaining the same thing, back to back), good and bad together.

Musashi Sez:

Mom sed that if I doesn’t lik the storeez in her Genesis book, that I shud writ mai owns. She sez, “Wul, whut do yu thingk Ceiling Cat did? Writ it down. Why not? Yur ges is as gud as myn.”

An I sed, “Does I have to foller yer Genesis?” An she sed, “Cors not.” An I sed, “But cud I foller it?” An she sed, “Shur if yu wants to. Yu gots a vizhun of whut Ceiling Cat did an is keepin on doin, as far as this creayshun thin is consernd. Tell us that.”

An I sed, “This migt tayk a whyl. An I’ll need a purpul crayon…”

Mom Says:

Yu got it. I gives yu purpul crayon, an othr colrz, an som big paypr, an whutevr yu needs. I don’t noe how we ar goin to get it on yer website, but we’ll figgr that out. ‘Ceiling Cat will provyd.’

Musashi Sez:

That soun lik a qwot, but yu not sytid it.

Mom Says:

It is qwot, but yu ar too fast fer me. Is biblical, um, Genesis 22:34, I thingk.

Musashi Sez:

O, yah, the bit sayin, “Cuz Ceiling cat givz cheezburgrz.”

Mom Says:

Um, yeah. Probably. Wher I put mai green lettr baibul? It wuz around heer somwher…

Musashi Sez:

Mayk up mai owns creayshun storee. I lyks this ideer. Fer 1 thin, myn wud tayk mor tim. The ideer of Ceiling Cat creaytin werlds in the time it wud tayk him to puup—unbeleevabul. Huh. We kin do bettrer than that…