Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Seekret Spy Traynin—Dae 1

So MI6 hasn’t egsaktlee sed they’r taykin me yet. I has to “go on a cors of traynin” first. But alreddee I lernd som vokabyoolaree:

Data Gatherin:
Data Confermayshun Activateez: Spyin on othr spyz.
Diplomatik Innervenshun: Spyin an sassinaytin.
Esbionazh: Mor spyin.
Red Tayp: Nothin iz getting don about this til Cristmus, if yu’r luckee.
Survaylins: Watchin foks.
Survaylins Qwipmint: Stuff lik peraskops an opra glassz. Also, collr camraz. (I can’t wayt to get myn!!!)
Traynin Orientayshun: Fillin out payprz. Is lik red tayp, egsept wift a #2 pensil.

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