Okay, we gots 2 more hoomin peeples' votz and 2 mor kittee/doggee peeplez' votz. I mayd what mom call a egzekyutiv desizhun an that is that fish can't vot. Huh. Som peeples...
So heer we ar:
Chuk Noris: 19.5 starz.
Gimli son of Gloin: 70 starz.
I bet it's cuz of the hat.
If I were as successful at raising money as I appear to be garnering votes for Gimli, my congregations would not be having to tighten their belts!
Fish cant vot? Dats diskriminayshun!
How about snakes? Me, Too caught a snake last night and we're pretty sure the snake would have voted 5 stars for Chuck Norris... if he hadn't squiggled away after freeing himself from the jaws of death.
Musashi Sez:
1) Fer Revrund Nansee: Yer congegayshuns shud be goin "Woo=haa!" based on yer monee-rayzin kaypabiliteez.
2) Fish don't hav mutch personalitee; ergo, they hasn' mutch vots.
3) Mai mom duzn't lik snayks. So snayks duzn't git vots. Lyf iz not fayr. Yu gots to git ovr it.
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