Musashi Sez:
Wull, Granpa brougtid Mom bak home yesterdae, an we are
verree egsytid about this! I chased her around the partmint yesterdae, just to
make shur she wuz her, and she was!!! So this morning, after she feeded me
around 5 am, I squozed in between her an the pillo, an I purred as hard as I
cud, jus so she wud figger out how mutch I loves her. I think she figgerd it
out, as she kept scritchin mai hed. But just in cays she is still cloo-less, I
has been setting lov-traps. Mor on this latr.
Meanwhil, I has been testing stuffs. Like she mayded “Dharma
Shepherd Deeligt” fer dinnr tonight an she think I did not unnerstand the recipe.
But she way-over-unner-estimaytid me. Huh. Ther wer no shepherds in the recipe, an eevn tho she CLIAMED that ther wuz baby zukeenis, I not see any babies anywhers, so I think Mom has been maykin stuffs up. An this worreez me, cuz whut if this com from her hangin out wift them gran-parental-units?
But maybe it just has ben comin from not enugf sleep. We'll go wift that fer now...