Musashi Sez:
So mai mom is writin her theesis, wich ar a reellee big paypr wift argyoomints in it. Hers is moslee about good ol’ Noah, whu we reellee liks, an also som big ol ship naymed “Reelee Big Ship,” whut sinkd 100 yeerz ago. It is verree faymus, eevn tho I had not heard of it befor. Parintlee, they has eevn mayd mooveez about it. Huh.
But eevn tho mai mom has writid theeseez (this the ploorul of theesis, go figgr) befor—2 of them eevn—this one is givin her the crayzeez. Seems lik her othr onez wuz fikshun storeez, verree long. This one she can’t jus mayk up, an it onlee 50 payjiz, which is lik about 2.7777 timz all mai set of toez.
Now if ther one thin I has lernd about writin this heer blog, it is eezier to writ somthin long than somthin short, moslee cuz if yu writs short, peeples payz attenshun to the whol darn thin an all its deetaylz. If yu writs long, they just skims an yu kin gets awae wift, fer instins, creativ spellin an grammr.
So mai mom is jus suffrin. It tookt her 9 hours to writ 3 and a haf payjiz, which isn’t eevn one back paw! So I reelizd that it wuz mai dootee to halp her.
Don’t git me rong. I ben halpin all along, yu noe, sittin between her an the kapyutr skreen to mayk shur them radeeayshun wayvs doezn’t overwelm her. But it was tim to tayk mai gaym to a whol noo bottul of gummeewerms! Yus.
Now mai mom somtimz giv talks about writin yer theesis or dissertayshun (which iz the dance verzhun of the theesis). I has sleepd on her notcards, so I noe all the thins yu has to do. I tell yu her roolz an how I halpd her.
1) Stay Wadderaytid. Evrytim I went into the bedrum where she wuz typin, I drinkd out of my wadder fountain, cuz it jus lik yawnin and stretchin. If one persin does it, evrboddee start doin it.
2) Stay Egzersized. This was fun, cuz I got to be spy-lik AN athletik. Ther she’d be, sittin at the kapyutr, wift her bak to the dor an I’d com runnin! in an jump up behind her an smak her on the bak of the hed. (It not eezee to get a typin-peeple’s attenshun. Yu gots to put in the effert.) Then she say, “Huh. Musashi! Yu rigt. We needz to plae.” An then she’d chays me out of the rum an play sokkr wift me.
3) Rembember that Writin is Hard. I gets on the desk an I murmurz into her mouft, “It not eezee bein brillyunt writrz lik we is. But we suffrs fer our art, yus?” An of cors, she agree wift me.
4) Keep Singin. This a no braynr. Which is yoosful, unner the circumstensiz.
5) There was another thin, but I needed to nap, so I fergettid it. But wen she finlee clapse on the bed, I snuggle up to her nee an goez to sleep wift her. Solidity wift the suffrin is verree importint, theolojiklee speekin.
If yu is writin yer theesis too, yu shud get a frend to do thees thins fer yu!
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