Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mai Noo Kareer Planz, Dspyt Mom

Musashi Sez:

Wull, I noe that mai mom is ternin into a bleedin-hart librul pasifst dweeb, her praktis of kungfu notwifstandin, but I has desydid aneewae to becom a Warrieer Kittee wen I growz up. This becuz I fyndid theez reelee cool piktchrz of kittee wariooor armr on the Innrwebz.

Seemz lik, bak wen hoomin peeplez wer figtin wift sordz, they hads halp frum their kittee companyunz, whu of cors yoozd their clawrz, but needed a littul proteckshun in addishun to that.

Cuz, yu noe, amreez ar danjrus playsiz to go. Huh.

I cud be samrai, lik in Japan, or I cud be somthin “diffruntlee glamruss.” See, I lernin plitikul crektness (which I think has to do wift dill pikkulz swimming in cricks wiftout innerfeerins. Still not 1000% shur...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Musashi!!!!