Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sooprman’z Dillemma

Musashi Sez:

Mai granpa sed somthin funnee to mai mom todae, about how Mistr Sooprman hasn’t got anee plays to chaynj his clothez now that all of them ol-fashund telefon boofts has gon awae. Mom sez mebbe he shud chaynj in them ATM closits.

I thingk they’r not lookin at the reel problim, which ar clothez. Hoomin peeples got this crayzee thing about wayrin all theez diffrint clothez all the tim, eevn tho clothez is egspensiv. They shud wayr fur insted. Yu nevr has to chaynj it, an it lick cleen verree eezy.

Of cors, hoomin peeples not hav sutch gud tongz fer lickin, so mebbee they will need to get big brushiz lik the one mom yooz on me somtimez. But thingk how much monnee they cud sayv an then they cud spend it on mor importint stuffs lik jingl ballz an catnip moussees. Huh.

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