Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathrz Dae an Tiez

Musashi Sez:

Wull, it turn out that yestrdae wuz Fathrz Dae, an I not noez it until I heerz mai mom on the phon wift mai granpa. I not has a fathr, so I iz dedikaytin this blog to mai granpa, cuz he iz whut yu wud call one of mai mayl roll modulz. This meen I lern stuff from him lik spellin an bein personobbul.

I also has lernd from him that bizniss is verree trikee, an I shud problee stik to the arts an sho bizniss an lik that. Espeshlee cuz I wud look pertee stoopid in one of them nektiz.

I mutch mor a whit tie an cucumberbund kinda gy.

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