Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Pupu Platter Is Not Akshully What Yu Think

Musashi Sez:

So I has been hanging out wift Captain Crunch on some Polynesian Islands in Mom’s closet this week, an we has had lots of fun. We looked fer buried treasure, but all we found was innerestin smelling socks, most of which didn’t eevn match. So the captain told me stories about Tiki gods, whu are these little wooden guys wift big heads an little feets. Parently, they live on all these islands in the Seven Seas an so when they wants to visit each other they hops into a little boat an float over to their neighbor’s house on another little island. An since they mostly spends time in the boats an not walkin, their legs is small from not usin them like I does, fer jumpin on tables an like that.
Also they wear bright shirts wift flowrs. Mom gots a blue one. We’re tryin to find a pertee pink one in my size, but it seem like them Hawaiaain shirt websites discriminate against kitteez, which is perty dumb since tiki is just kittee inside out. Yu’d think they’d have lots of customers if they were smarter.

Oh yeah! An also they wear these perty necklaces made out of akshul flowers! An drink out of akshul coconuts! An they eets lots of pinapples, which if yu see a picture of one, yu wud think it was a made-up fruit, but parently, it akshullee exists. An that’s why they call it Polynesia, cuz “poly” is Greek for “lots” and “nesia” is Greek for “weird stuff.”


PJS said...

Here's King Kukulele and his Friki Tikis doing "House of Bamboo": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xibfu5TxQxs

Unknown said...

A verree gud egzampul of our topic.

PJS said...

So, Musashi: Tell us about that new pink koosh-like toy you have!