to my readrz, speshially Grandpa.
week started out great wift Mom celerbratytin havin dopted me eithg (8) years
ago from Angell Memorial Hopsital. Eevn wift "Freeda" whu is livin
wift us now bein all nosy an not lettin ME be nosy in return, stuffs has been
perty gud.
then Mom took me on a Trip, an tho it was not quite as longerer a trip as the
last couple times, it was endless!!! And noises. And Trucks, and stuffs liek that:
no funz!!!
we has doenz this befores, and I allus gets a Medal fer Gallantree in the Fays
of Shots! This time it shaped like a kittee!
they seds I hads to go bak an get mai teefs cleened. And then when we wen bak
and they puts me to shleep, they tukt TOO of MAI TEEFTS!!! An admitterly, they
were the teefts that were hurtin me, but still!!!
now they are squirtin icky stuffs down my throat, an it not the peeples at the
vets orfice but my ONW MOM and also Marion, who is Freeda's Mom.
gotsta talks to them an tell em to shtops! I bet this never happens to YOU!
1 comment:
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