Sunday, September 14, 2014

Being a Reel WRiter

Musashi Sez:

Mom sez that I must be a reel Writer becuz I always has excyoosiz for not riting. Like bein mad at Mom fer leeving and then spending two weeks sittin on her feets so she culdnt go anywhere. An then getting mad at her again cuz she hads to go back to school. Or playin wift my nu frend Jack, who is nice and plays wift string wift me an lets me hang out in his room. Also he tookt this amayzin pikcher of me, an made me look pertikly hansome. 

An also sometimes I has to lick my feets to make sure that I am spiffy all over, which is a perty big job for a guy like me whu has a small tongue.

Mom sez I wud be an even reeler writer if I drinked corfee, but I not like corfee. It smells funny. Maybe I cud be a riter whu drink milk? Whut yu think about this?


PJS said...

You could do chocolate milk . . .

Unknown said...

Choclit is bad fer kitties.

PJS said...

Hmmm . . . strawberry milk?

Unknown said...

As long as them strorberries aren t b=rr3gey/abuls, we shud be fin!!

Unknown said...
