Friday, August 8, 2014

Mai Trommatic Week

Musashi Sez:

Wull this has been a egsyting week an no mistake. On Mondae, Mom an me were going to go out fer “a ride” wift Mom’s frend Erbecca. But almost as soon as we got inside Erbecca’s shiny silver car, it ran awae wift us, taykin us in all sorts of circles so that we wudn’t figger out where we were goin, seein as it was the Rhetorical Terrorist Bureau whut had picked us up.

We wentid in plenty of circles (Cuz kitteez are known fer their ability to find their way hom, but hoomin peeples are SO not, specially not Mom) so that we wud not be able to figger out where the RTBs were.

Wull, anywae, they tortchurred me (by pokin and proddin) and  they must have fed mom Lettuce or (gyak) Spinnitch (if yu kin imagine such horrerz). But we toldid them nothing important. Mom tolded them our names, ranks, an cereal numbers, but that wuz it.  They even gived me whut they call a “mani-pedi” but I not give in!!!

Eventually we finded our way back home, which is veree coneveenyent, given that tomorrow is my Doption Day!!!